Membership Registration Form

Please fill in the form below and click submit. Fields marked with a red star are required. Thank you.

Member/Player Details

This is necessary for the club to understand in order to safeguard members during sessions and to provide appropriate training and support.

Parent/Guardian Details

Mobile number for Whatsapp contact groups.
The contact number the Parent/Guardian has provided will be added to the Flames Netball WhatsApp Group(s) for the purposes of communicating about training sessions, match fixtures and club activities. The group chat is to be used for this purpose only - any misuse of this Group may lead to removal. If permission is not granted, please do not tick the selection box and the number will not be added. The number can be removed at any time by the number holder or by request to the Group Admin. Flames Netball will endeavour to contact you by email or post any amendments to sessions, matches, and club activities on the Flames website, but for items of short notice this won't always be practical.
The Player and the Parent/Guardian gives permission for photographs to be taken by Flames Netball Club. These may be used on the Flames Netball website, the Flames Netball Instagram account or for publicity, awards evenings, promotional material etc. If permission is not granted, please do not tick the selection box and photographs will be avoided.
The Player and the Parent/Guardian has read and understood the 'Flames Netball Player’s Code of Conduct' (available in the link below) and agrees to abide by these commitments whilst participating in Flames Netball activities.

Flames Netball - Player's Code of Conduct

The Player and the Parent/Guardian confirms that they have been made aware of the risks associated with netball activity and COVID-19 and understand this. They also confirm that they understand there are some people who are of higher risk of contracting COVID-19. By submitting this form The Player and the Parent/Guardian confirms that they are comfortable with the information they have been provided and opt-in player to participate in Flames Netball activities. The Player and the Parent/Guardian also confirm that they understand the requirements and steps needed to take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 through netball and agree to take all these steps.

Please also take the time to read the Flames Netball Privacy Notice.